Interet Corporation has been advising companies in the leasing industry since 1973 on the optimal way to model complex leasing transactions. Over the years we have developed a proprietary financial modeling tool that is used when analyzing these transactions. Under any of our consulting agreements clients receive access to a copy of this financial modeling software.
Working together with our staff, clients can use the software to model any type of leasing transaction. In addition, we can assist clients in evaluating non-leasing financial transactions. Recently, we have been assisting clients in the analysis of the following types of transactions: U.S. domestic leases; Pickle to Service Contract leases; ETI (Extraterritorial Income) leases; Japanese Operating leases; Project Finance transactions; Real Estate transactions; Lease vs Buy analyses and Off Balance Sheet financings. We believe our staff and the modeling tools we use are well positioned to meet the ever-evolving requirements of the financial marketplace.
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