Download Software Updates

Getting Updates

If you are already an Interet customer, you can download and install a file that will update your software to a newer version. This will only work if you already have the most recent Interet software release installed on your computer. Most users will use "LeaseNew", which is an update to the current release. The Prd version is even newer, and is still under test. Call interet if you have any question about which version you should use. Interet versions are the year, month and day the program was created, so 1030522 means year 2003, May 22.

To install an update, use the "Help/Check for Updates" menu item. When the update starts, close the Interet program. Windows will not update a program while it is being used. If you don't close it, Windows will prompt you to close it. Close the program and press "Retry".

LeaseNew: version 1240426, size 47068 Kbytes

LeasePrd: version 1250206, size 47068 Kbytes